For International Women’s day (8th of March), I’m tasked to write about the women that have significantly changed my life. It’s going to sound typical because most people give the same answer but my favourite women in this world are my mum, grandma and my bestest friends Elena and Celia. I am well...
03.04.2020 15:12
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And then there’s Celia (though I call her Blue), my other best friend who is also my girlfriend. Romantic novels and drama shows are written about stories like ours.
I met her at a birthday party, one cold winter (she knew Elena already) of 2018 and I was instantly and dangerously attracted...
02.04.2020 15:13
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The first thing I have to say about my grandma is that I miss her. We’re only a 20 minute drive away from each other but she’s got her hands full with my little cousins and I’m constantly preparing for some exam.
When I do get the chance to be with her and hug her, I want to stretch time...
01.04.2020 15:14
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I’ll wrap up this emotional roller coaster with my mum, the woman I’d be nothing without (and not only for the biological reasons). She is the definition of the saying “parents will always love their children” because she does, unconditionally, despite my long list of failures as a daughter. She’s...
30.03.2020 15:14
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“I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.”
15.03.2020 17:52
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“As it has been said:
Love and a cough
cannot be concealed.
Even a small cough.
Even a small love.”
15.03.2020 17:49
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Yo no iba a hablar del Coronavirus por aquí, de tan harta que estoy de él pero hoy hago una excepción, por ser el primer día de la cuarentena oficial.
Todos llevamos esta última semana expectantes, la mayoría deseando que cancelaran las clases, los exámenes, las responsabilidades…
13.03.2020 18:45
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Vives en agonía porque no te dejan despertar. Crees que este amor no correspondido te va a matar.
Te haces trizas.
¿Cómo sonreírle cuando te apetece gritar?
Y llamar su atención, que te vea, romper con la invisibilidad por ella.
Estás cansado, un tanto...
19.02.2020 20:08
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The time was one hundred seconds to midnight… And I still couldn’t sleep. Something around me, about me or something inside me, felt wrong. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was but I started feeling sick. A nausea so deep it made my guts churn. In my ears, the ringing was deafening. Pain was the...
19.02.2020 12:24
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Un día (varios años atrás), yo bajaba las escaleras al patio donde solemos ponernos a desayunar y de casualidad, cruzamos miradas y nos sonreímos (tienes una sonrisa preciosa, por cierto): sin tener idea de quiénes éramos, de nuestros nombres o aficiones. Nuestros grupos de amigos se entremezclaban...
18.02.2020 10:07
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